Friday, November 19, 2010

Every Ending Has a Start

I read a funny quote recently, I think from one of the ultra-profane Wonkette commentators, that if Hillary had been elected president, we’d be using Republicans as a fuel source. Which cracks me up . . . because there’s some truth to it.

But much as voters might not be turned off by blatant partisanship, they want something to get done. Americans want consensus. People recognize they’re not always going to get their way. And I thought that, by supporting Obama, I was taking a stand against partisanship and for “ending politics as usual.”

I was a fool.

There was a perception that when Obama, admittedly the more “liberal” and less Establishment candidate, won the Democratic nomination and was swept into the White House, there would be a huge dynamic shift. Frankly, it’s what this nation deserved after eight years of George W. Bush. But Obama came in not only AIMING for compromise but STARTING AT compromise. Like, “Okay, fellas. Here’s where we’re gonna end up, so let’s not fight about it.” And the GOP collectively nudged one another and were, all, “FUCK YOU! STOP TRYING TO RAM YOUR SOCIALIST AGENDA DOWN THE THROATS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!” For nearly two years.

Well, Republicans, you should be so proud.